Current teaching
I am currently teaching the courses
in the Electrical Engineering and Automation master with major Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems at Aalto University. For details, check the course pages!
I am also teaching the bachelor’s course Säätötekniikka together with Simo Särkkä.
Past Lectures and Tutorials
Course “Automatic Control II,” Uppsala University, Sweden, 2022
Teaching assistant, teaching of exercise lectures.
Course “Reinforcement Learning,” Uppsala University, Sweden 2022
Design and teaching of two lectures on exploration theory, and recent advances and challenges of reinforcement learning.
Tutorial “An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence,” RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2021
Design and teaching of four lectures as part of the summer school “Production Technology meets Industry 4.0.”
Seminar “Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics,” RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2021
Planning, organization, and conductance of a new seminar covering ethical and societal impacts of artificial intelligence and robotics.
Course “Computer Science in Mechanical Engineering II,” RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2021
Teaching assistant, material design and teaching of exercise lectures.
Course “Statistical Learning Methods and Stochastic Control,” University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2019
Design and supervision of a project for a group of three students.
Tutorial “Introduction to Control Theory,” Arosa, Switzerland, 2018
Preparation and presentation of Python examples. The tutorial was part of a winter school of the DFG Priority Program on “Cyber-physical Networking.”
Course “Mathematics for Electrical Engineering,” TU Dresden, Germany, 2013-2016
Teaching exercise lectures for groups of up to 50 engineering students.